济宁全自动豆干机 鑫丰豆腐干机 自动切豆腐干机
2019-02-13 09:18 5次- 发布企业
- 山东鑫丰食品机械有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 报价
- 人民币¥5800.00元每套
- 关键词
- 全自动豆干机 鑫丰豆腐干机 自动切豆腐干机
- 所在地
- 山东省济宁市曲阜市北转盘东书院工业区
- 手机
- 15689770347
- 职员
- 陈诺 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
济宁全自动豆干机 鑫丰豆腐干机自动切豆腐干机
Xin feng full automatic production technology of bean curd cakemachine making smoked bean curd and tofu are basically the same,the use of the production line can greatly improve the productionefficiency, reduce labor intensity, save labor, save use space,improve the quality of bean curd is a ideal assembly lineproduction equipment. Xinfeng automatic bean curd drying machine isautomatically suppressed, the person manipulates the machineoperation; The suppression procedure can be set according todifferent requirements. The finished product of bean drying isuniform and the water content is consistent. 电话:联系人:陈娜
鑫丰全自动豆腐干机详解 特点
3、节能、环保 该产品设备组成:该设备由传动装置、机架、输送链、程序控制器等组成。
济宁全自动豆干机 鑫丰豆腐干机自动切豆腐干机
济宁全自动豆干机 鑫丰豆腐干机自动切豆腐干机
Xin feng automatic bean curd cake machine making smoked beancurd production technology and tofu are basically the same,different is watering system when the thickness is small, usuallyfor 5 to 6 cm, pressing time for 15 to 30 minutes, required tosuppress after smoked bean curd moisture content from 60% to 65%,according to the requirements of different products aftersuppressing cut tofu in vain guy, is the finished product. Thefollowing: soy milk - boiled and cooled - point the brain -squatting - pouring - and pressing - out of the bag - cut -finished products 电话: 联系人:陈娜
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